Morissette Amon possess one of the most incredible voices I have ever heard – and I grew up in a generation that included Donna Summer, Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey. I don’t think there’s a soul alive that doesn’t regard at least one of them amongst the greatest female voices of all time.
It was near the end of 2020 when one of my followers on Twitter recommended that I listen to a Filipina singer named Morissette. They were even kind enough to leave a link to the video! As I watched her performance in amazement, I started to run out of adjectives to describe what I was hearing and seeing. Morissette quite literally took my breath away.
After her performance I honestly felt the need to take a moment to compose myself. I had an episode to finish after-all but I knew that I had just witnessed something extraordinary.
That’s when the question started to enter my mind. How can a video have over 30 million views and yet be something that I’ve never heard of?? I mean, this is what I do!
So, I ventured deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole and learned a few things. She has many videos and performances that have gone ultra viral including studio versions and original material. She’s highly revered in the Philippines along with other icons like Arnel Pineda (Journey), Marcelito Pomoy and boxer/senator Manny Pacquiao. In fact, she’s loved throughout Asia and is even referred to as Asia’s Phoenix.
It’s that last part that really got me thinking. Why aren’t western audiences being exposed to a generational talent like Mori? I don’t have the answers but I know that I can at least do my part and maybe, just possibly, someone who is reading this hasn’t heard of her before. Why? Because my hope is that they will seek out her performances and music just like I did and will become as huge fan – just like I am.
There’s something magnetic about her performance personality. Aside from her incredible vocal tone, range, control and a certain whistle voice, she presents the audience with emotional facial features when singing. She almost puts you in a trance by watching the way she flows through a song. Sometimes there’s a smile. Sometimes there’s grit. And sometimes there’s almost the “on the verge of” moments that seem to tap into my own sense of emotions. These moments are moving and I’m grateful to experienced each and every one.
Although we are on opposite sides of the world, I hope at some point we’ll be able to connect for an interview and I can get inside of the mind of a vocal genius and present that conversation to everyone reading. Hopefully to give greater exposure to people here in America of possibly the greatest of hidden gems outside of this country. She’s that amazing.
Believe me. You are missing out.
-Tommy Marz
You can follow Tommy on Twitter and Instagram let him know what you think.
27 thoughts on “Morissette Amon – The Voice The World Needs To Hear”
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. It literally baffles me why oh why she is not huge here in the states. I have my reasons with the kindest being perhaps she just doesn’t have the push that a major label could provide her. I would stack her up, vocally, against any of the current female artists and go farther and say that she’s on par if not better than most. She is definitely of the Whitney, Mariah, Christina, Celine and Donna Summer caliber. Maybe one day when all the elements are in place, the world will be blessed by the immense talent that this woman possesses.
Absolutely correct ,she beats any other female singer
She’s been gaining a huge following from YouTube viewers for 3 to 4 years now. Some are just discovering her now and have been going through her past performances from various media. It was only last year that she came out with her own YT channel and has released her own content. Although everyone who’s listened to her all agree on her exceptional talent, she has yet to put out an original material that is suitable to the current music landscape. It’s pretty obvious her ballads, belters and covers showcase her vocal abilities, but none are suitable for radio airplay (including her recent original releases.) And this goes to the root of Tommy Marz’s question – why have most of the western market have not heard of her? I think she needs one single that will put her name on the road to global recognition. She may need to get a new creative team around her as her recent output are again ballad, Disney-type, soundtrack-like materials. She needs a new producer that will give her a new sound as the voice, the personality, and her showmanship is already apparent. Of course the question is, Is this what Morissette wants? Would really be interested to know and see, if and when Tommy gets an interview with Mori.
She’s amazing! Best vocalist ever. She’s the epitome of a great singer. Worth stanning. Love her so much
Great article. My sentiments exactly. She has this magnetic thing about her when she’s performing, it’s like being transported to the emotion and moment of any song she covers and even more so with her original songs.
Amazing voice!!!
Tommy, you are right on, this amazing talent needs to be in the ear, and on the lips of everyone around the word. There was a time when, people were shocked and amazed by Mariah and her 5 octave range, well Morissette is in that same category, with a 5 + octave range, and a presence that makes you feel she is your best friend. Her smile and jovial laugh are contagious. I am a 66 y/o Canadian male and 3 years ago is when I was god-smacked by this woman, who has now gotten even better, as she along with her recent fiancé Dave Lamar, are releasing her own material, written or co-written by her and Dave, and Dave also doing the cinematography of her videos. They are a combined talent that is a MUST see. There is no cure for the MOWIE-virus, by I am very OK with that.
Great article Marz. Mori is indeed an incredible singer/performer and you are right, the world needs to hear her.
I have seen her perform here at the Ricoh Center Toronto in 2017. She was also part of a concert in the Bay Area(SAP Center) in 2019 and New York in 2016 at the Barclays Center. They showcased talents of the Philippine TV network where Mori and Marcelito belong.
Thanks for believing in great talents.
I totally agree with you Tommy, She is for me on top of the world’s best.
The voice that whole universe needs to hear
Love listening to your reactions to Mori’s and love your true enthusiasm founded by your music.
I am a fan of Mori specially on the Broadway songs and some of them bordering opera. though warming up to her pop-songs.
You are absolutely right about being captivated not just by Mori’s incredible vocal acrobatics but also her facial expressions as she mirrors her spirit as she sings. She not only sings – her spirit sings that lights up our senses and spirit as well.
She is but one among the great singers…i suggest you listen to LANI MISALUCHA of the philippines.
Great name
Excellent write-up, Tommy. We here in US are missing a lot by ignoring tremendous musical talents in Asia and other parts of the world. Morissette is definitely one of those rare talents that come only once in a generation.
She pulls me into her heart every time I listen to her sing. She doesn’t hold anything back and captures anyone within hearing distance with her emotional magnet. Whitney’s “ Run to you “ is one such song that just totally surprised me when she belted out those notes. I was floored and all my self control melted like butter. Simon Cowell called her performance, on one of his many talent shows, “ amazing “ . I couldn’t agree more. Morissette Amin’s gift IS amazing. So amazing.
Thanks Tomi for sharing your thoughts how incredible Morisette as far as her immensely talents that the world needs to know. I just started listening to Mori last year and every single day i cannot miss her performance. She is my happiness i look forward everyday to hear her voice. I have a really bad depression but when i listen and watching Mori all my pains go away. I love this woman to the bone. I really hope that she’ll make it here in US. Love you Tomi 😍 💗
I have been a fan of Mori for several years. You should hear her sing Rise Up, Never Enough and her Tagalog song Akin Ka Na Lang.
just keep listening,. react as much as you can and keep spreading the gospel on this magnificent diva
oh her fans call her Mowie the fan base is called Mowie-natics Mowienatics
Thanks Tommy for the well written article on Mori. Hope more people here in the U S will discover her phenomenal talents. There are serious talents coming from the Philippines, so many rabbit holes to explore. Check out Asia’s Songbird – Regine Velasquez (most of the young divas idolize her including Mori), Lani Misalucha, Lea Salonga, Jaya, Sarah G, KZ, Katrina V, Kyla, Jona, Aicelle S, 4th Impact, budakhel, tnt boys, Darren S…the list goes on and on.
yo! Tommy,. i think you might of made a boo boo… Morissette was born 1996 you have donna summer there who i use to listen to back in the disco era hehehe she wasn’t making much only a few hit records… but yeah id replace her with TINA MARIE the ivory queen of soul
She’s definitely a gem!
And she sounds x10 better live!!!
Even her personality is so real.
Im so lucky to have met her couple of times. She’s so darling, so sweet and lively.
Hi Tommy, I just love watching your reactions to this amazing talent. I certainly have this Mowie virus and cannot get enough. Morissette is the greatest female singer I’ve ever listened to bar none. The emotion she puts into every performance is truly awe inspiring. Thank you again for your heart felt reviews. From an adoring fan. 👍😀🥰
your statement:
“She almost puts you in a trance by watching the way she flows through a song. Sometimes there’s a smile”
is so true. It’s like a drug for when you are alone. most especially for OFW’s (Overseas Filipino Workers) who have not been back to the Philippines for several years
Thanks for the excellent article Tommy! I do not know how to help her get bigger …worldwide! I want her songs and her lovely voice out there in the world for everybody to hear… I do not typically listen to any artist from the Philippines …I was under the impression that when I left the Philippines, all the artist that comes from there sounds the same…that I appreciated more the artist from the west…But 3 or 4 years ago I came across this incredible artist that got me just like you , hooked and mesmerized by her lovely tone and amazing vocal artistry… she can sing anything (any genre) but sound great!… I tried to write to all our local radio stations here (Calgary)but unfortunately with a lot of frustrations on my part..they have been ignoring me…I hope some of them will take a chance and just listen to her…I know they will be hooked just like the millions that have listened to her…Hoping that this article finds her and someday get a chance to interview her …All the best to you and please continue to support her in anyway you can.
Here’s a music video of one of her songs, Love You Still, that can be considered radio-friendly for the western market: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wi6J69NaLkA
I can listen to Morissette all day long! Such vocal athlete! I love that she can make any song her own.
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