Eloise Alterman recently released her debut, “The Other Side” via Big Yellow Dog Music on August 28, 2020. The five song EP features some emotional and impressive songwriting from the Nashville based singer songwriter.
I spoke with Eloise Alterman to talk about the thought process behind the songs on the EP. We started talking about the title track and I told her that it was the one that moved me the most. Eloise tells me, “I started that song when I first moved to Nashville and it was a really slow song, actually. I took it to this producer named Robin and she kind of helped me bring it to life a little bit and years later I cut it with Dan Agee with Big Yellow Dog. I’m really excited that it made the EP.”
I feel the same!
Being that it is the title track of “The Other Side” I wondered if it held some sort of special place for Eloise. She says, “Yeah, that one kind of started it all. That was one of the first I had written on the EP and it started all of the other ones. The title of that one made sense with all of the ones songs too. I felt like it tied it together because for me those songs are personal experiences or whatever and it felt like the other side of the story. “
It really does seem to come all together for Alterman. Now the world gets the chance to listen to these songs and experience in song form, what was on her mind.
You can hear my entire conversation with Eloise Alterman by clicking on the link to your favorite place to listen to podcasts.
-Tommy Marz
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