The Kevin Rudolf ride started many years ago. In fact, it still hasn’t come back into the station. He’s already had an amazing career filled with platinum records, hit songs, red hot collaborations but he may just be putting out some of the best stuff he’s ever written.
When I had the chance to speak with Kevin, I didn’t know what to expect. I had a list of questions but our conversation took us to many places I didn’t even think about going to. One of the perks, you could say, of interviewing bands and artists is getting the opportunity to talk about things you don’t always get to hear about or read in an article. With Rudolf, it was like added bonus after bonus.
Going into our interview I was excited to hear about his journey and what it was like recording a hit song with Lil Wayne and working with Timbaland. But the lead up to that moment was fascinating. I learned that Rudolf was featured in Guitar World when he was just 14 years old. Rudolf tells Sound Vapors, “I was always exploring musically when I was a kid. I was in Guitar World Magazine. I was one of those “hometown hero” kids.”
Rudolf continues, “Then I played in bands and I was fifteen, playing in all the clubs on the lower east side, which was such a fun time in New York. I was just like, thrilled with my life at fourteen, fifteen. I just thought that I was untouchable. I was like, I’m the best guitar player in the world and I’m playing in these clubs, and you know.. you’re fifteen. :laughs:”
Rudolf explains about wanting to write his own music and utilizing the technology at the time to create his own music. He eventually signed with Maverick Records and kept writing songs and playing guitar.
He walked me through his time at Maverick and tells a story of how he got to sit in a session with Timbaland. That led to an unbelievable string of events that earned him a multi-platinum record that featured Lil Wayne – Let It Rock. The song was also featured at the 2009 WWE Royal Rumble and also in the video game Madden NFL 11 and Guitar Hero Live.
I’m going to do something I normally don’t do during these articles. I’m going to direct you to the audio/podcast. Trust me, you have to hear Kevin tell these stories. In this case, printed or on screen words just won’t do his journey justice. It’s an insane series of events.
You will also get to hear one of his new tracks, ‘Babylon’. I’ve now listened to everything he has release over the last year or so and I gotta tell ya.. This guy knows how to put together great songs. One of the most intriguing things is that they all seem to have a different personality but the tracks released so far almost have a concept feel to them. Not the easiest combination to pull of. It’s the longest and one of the most interesting interviews I’ve conducted in 2020. Head on over to your favorite place to listen to podcasts and give it a listen. I think you’ll enjoy or chat!
-Tommy Marz
You can follow Tommy on Twitter and Instagram let him know what you think.
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