The Los Angeles based Indie-Rock Duo, Mating Ritual just recently released their new full length album – ‘The Bungalow‘ on August 21st via Smooth Jaws. The album features thirteen tracks and is the bands fourth album in four years.
I had the chance to catch up with Ryan from the band and that’s one of the things we discussed during our fun filled, musical conversation. I noted that Mating Ritual is not just putting out songs and EP’s here and there. They have been putting out albums full of songs, melodic hooks and the occasional humorous side note.
When asked if they intend on releasing their 5th album in five years in 2021 Ryan responded: “Oh yeah. We have fifteen to seventeen songs ready but I don’t think they’re good enough yet. We write a lot of songs and then we pare it down to something that works. But if we needed to we could put one out next week.. but were not going to.”
That’s another thing I like about these guys. They are continually writing and they know the value of writing hooky tracks. With this album you can definitely hear the work that went into these songs. On tracks like ‘Moon Dust’, ‘Elastic Summer’ and the title track, you can hear the production and songwriting that went into creating gems like these.
I asked Ryan to describe Mating Ritual’s sound on this album and he says, “It’s kind of an anything goes record. We tried to put no limits on it but we listen to a lot of 80’s. My favorite band’s New Order. So we take a lot from that but we tried to make a little more of a daytime record. I started listening to a lot of late 70’s power disco and some of that kind of crept in. We listened to the band Lime a lot throughout this record and I don’t know if that came through as much as it would. But a song like ‘Elastic Summer’, for instance, was a pretty heavy Carly Simon inspired song.”
Talk about some pretty good influences and inspirations. ‘The Bungalow’ is full of these types of vibes. You can hear about all the vibes and my entire conversation with Ryan by clicking on the link to your favorite place to listen to podcasts.
-Tommy Marz
You can follow Tommy on Twitter and Instagram let him know what you think.
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