Molly Moore is in the middle of a busy EP release cycle. ‘Escapism’ was just released on February 11, 2022 and Molly is set to play Los Angeles’ Kiss Kiss Bang Bang on February 16th at 8PM. Molly put together the lineup that also consists of Maty Noyes and COM3T.
Brimming with emotional vulnerability, Molly finds herself in a transformative state on Escapism as she comes to terms with accepting her faults and learning to love herself, and others, in a much freer and kinder way.
I was able to catch up with Molly to talk about the new EP and some of the theming that seems to float around this 4-track record.
I asked Molly about the themes behind the songs. Molly says, “Escapism is something that I’ve always been fascinated with. Ever since I discovered the term, ironically enough, I found that word when I was deep inside my first real experience with escapism. I found myself being an escapist throughout my life in a multitude of ways. At one point I struggled with substance abuse. Escaping in romantic relationships has been a huge challenge for me.”
Molly continues, “This form of escapism that I’m writing about on this EP, does originate from those first experiences but it’s also become a good thing in a lot of ways. It’s allowed me to utilize it in a healthier way. I’ve been single for the first time in many years and I ended up in a situation with somebody I fell in love with and that I couldn’t be with. That really allowed me the space and energy to work on myself and not be distracted by a dynamic that I was in. I didn’t really let my self heal and grow. ‘Escapism’ is about all of those things. It’s about finding somebody that actually allows you to have a break from reality in a positive way. It’s also about continuing to avoid reality in a negative way. Kind of the intersection of those two things.”
During our chat we talked about the songs on the EP and I mentioned that the song ‘Shy ‘ is my personal favorite and I wondered from her perspective what that one song was that everyone had to go listen to. Knowing how hard it is to choose, Molly ponders for a minute and says, “I think it’s ‘Vacation’. I just think that song says everything I was trying to say.”
‘Vacation’ was released on February 11th to the world and gives a great snapshot of the EP although we both agree that each song really has it’s own personality and thought process.
I’m excited to see what comes next for Molly. After speaking with her, it’s clear that there’s a lot of material just waiting to written. It’ll be exciting to see how it all gets shaped. In the meantime, let’s continue to dive deeply into ‘Escapism’.
-Tommy Marz
You can find Tommy on Twitter
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