I love a good welcome back story. In this case, it’s not only a welcome back to a kick ass rock band, it’s welcome back and thanks for bringing the same energy along with an updated new sound, kind of gathering. I can assure you, these guys are definitely bringing the energy with these new tracks. Rev Theory is back and is ready to share the songs they’ve been working on with the world.
There is a new sound associated with these songs and I wondered if there had been any changes to the band. So right away during our conversation I wanted to ask Matty McCloskey what was going on with the bands lineup. Matty tells Sound Vapors, “We definitely have gone through some changes over the years and have been kind of dormant for a while. There’s no bad blood or anything. People get married and they go off to start families and stuff and they are just out of the mix.”
Matty continues, “Our singer got married and he went off to start a family. Julien and I were kind of the genesis of all of the writing. We’ve been writing for years and we just have this whole hard drive full of songs we’ve developed over the years. So since Rich kind of dipped out, he kind of gave us carte blanche to do what we wanted, moving forward.” With Rich no longer laying down vocals for the band, it was Matty who stepped up to handle vocal duties. He says, “Being a vocalist myself, I was already singing on a lot of the songs already. So we just decided, hey let’s just start putting some of these songs out and see what the response is. So we just started launching a few tracks at the end of last year and the response has been really, really good and we just decided to keep rolling with it and keep dropping tracks.” Judging by the response of their fans – I expect to see new songs being released as these songs are being met with positive and encouraging results.
I talked about the band releasing singles only for right now, as are many bands these days. I asked Matty if the band will eventually put a collection of these songs on an album or EP. Matty says, “We are going to, yeah. We’re trying to re-carve the way, carve our own road into how we think our music should be released. Instead of.. the traditional way would be to gear up to launch this album in a couple months and then drop it and people would be excited about it. Nowadays, you launch something and there’s so much content out there that, you launch an album, two weeks later, people are on to the next thing. So it’s like how do we keep people engaged and how do we keep putting out stuff and keep people interested and excited about what’s next? So we decided to roll out the album over the entire year and then at the end of the year, package it together.”
This is a band with a plan.
It’s a plan that works extremely well in today’s musical consumption climate. And while I’m sort of an old school type of music fan, the excitement level in between single releases is undeniable. There might be something to this. I will definitely be staying tuned in to see what comes next from the band. So welcome back, Rev Theory. I’m excited for your future.
You can hear my entire conversation with Matty by clicking on the link to your favorite place to listen to podcasts or by going to YouTube to watch the video version. You will also be treated to a special treat – The Violent Idols remix of their song One that debuted on SiriusXM – Octane, March 12th.
-Tommy Marz
You can follow Tommy on Twitter and Instagram let him know what you think.
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