Sima Galanti has experienced and seen a lot in her life. Probably more than most recording artists. Her history leading up her latest release, ‘Runaways’ is so interesting to me, I found myself in awe more than a few times during our conversation.
Sima tells Sound Vapors, “I grew up in Israel, as you know. I grew up in a very small town called, Lod. It’s a very poor city and is mixed with Arab and Jewish immigrants from Arab countries that live side by side. Growing up in this town was very rough. There was a lot of drugs and crime and violence there. We didn’t have movie theaters, night life, clubs or bars. Like stuff that you have in every city, like going to a restaurant. We didn’t have that.”
Sima continues, “I had music. Music has always been that.. savoir. Something that gave me hope and dreams. I would listen to MTV back in the era of music videos. I was fascinated. I listen to the stuff that came from here, in America. A lot of rock, bands and artists that came from here (America). I grew up in a small apartment and shared a room with my sister. She was a big rock and metal music fan. A fanatic. As I kid I used to love pop music and boy bands. :laughs: But also rock like Alanis Morrisette, The Cranberries and Bjork was one of my biggest influences.”
I interject and say, “those first two records from Bjork – Debut and Post?? Forgetaboutit.” Sima replies, “FORGETABOUTIT!”
We both share love for a lot of the same artists. She lists off bands like Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Iron Maiden and Pantera. Epic. I’m blown away even more when she tells me about the first concert her sister took her to. Deep Purple. You’ve got to love Sima’s musical education and background.
Sima has been busy writing and releasing music over the years and she’s about to launch much more for the world to consume. She just launched the video for ‘Runaways’ and it’s a visual stunner. Even though it’s a great video, her powerful vocal and hard rocking music should not be lost. She’s a true talent.
She also tells me that another song on this collection of songs is a cover of Pat Benetar’s – ‘Love Is A Battlefield’. I find this extremely exiting given Sima’s vocal style and tone. On top of that, I feel like that particular song and original video definitely fits in with the theme of her first single, ‘Runaways’. I’m excited about her musical future. Her interesting but harsh past only serves as the spark for a fire that is burning red hot.
You can hear my entire conversation with Sima by clicking on the link to your favorite place to listen to podcasts.
-Tommy Marz
You can follow Tommy on Twitter and Instagram let him know what you think.
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