Katie Cole has released a new single – ‘Dreams Of Mine’. I’m always excited for a new Katie Cole release and this one did not leave me disappointed.
The tracks finds Cole doing what she does so well. Storytelling. She also lays down her signature vocal, full with tone and emotion. I especially loved the final chorus. It felt lose and emotionally raw. It was a great way to end the song.
Musically, the track allows Cole’s voice to shine above the beautifully played acoustic guitars (Ilya Toshinskiy) , keys and accordion (Tim Lauer). Producer Howard Willing does an excellent job of finding a home for every instrument all the while highlighting the story and vocal here.
Go give this one a listen and you might find yourself on a nice little 3 minute journey like I did. Or in my case a 30 minute journey as I had this on repeat for more than a few spins.
-Tommy Marz
You can find Tommy on Twitter
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