Justin Bieber has a crazy streak of number one albums going. On February 14, 2020, Bieber released his fifth consecutive number one album – Changes. Every single one of his prior albums has also gone on to be awarded Platinum status by the RIAA. I expect this one to reach that level, once again. That’s ten years of impressive success and it doesn’t seem like that success will stop anytime soon.
Intentions – the collaboration between Bieber and Quavo made for Justin’s 13th and Quavo’s 6th Top Ten song on the Billboard Hot 100. How’s that for success? It also happens to be my favorite track off of the Changes album. In this world of famous collabs – these two just seem to gel together better than most. In Intentions, Bieber comfortably goes in and out of his verses with sharpness and nice vocal tones that leave little breadcrumbs for his devoted fans to eat up. Quavo starts to drop in near the end of the second chorus and then flows right into his featured verse. I guess I’m just a fan of the way he lays down his vocals.
To be honest, what starts to happen with some collaborations is that the featured artists tend to come out of left field and it never really latches on to the song. That doesn’t happen here. It feels so organic that, I would love to hear an extended cut of the song. They both are sort of laid back but it never feels lazy or tired.
With its terrific production and musical intro (that I still can’t get out of my head), it’s no wonder the song is another hit for both of these artists. Hopefully these two will work together again in the future. They just seem to compliment each other so well. Now.. it’s back for another listen.
-Tommy Marz
You can follow Tommy on Twitter and Instagram let him know what you think.