It’s not an often occurrence in popular music that you get a concept record. In the case of Theo Kandel, we are getting a six-song concept EP that is ready to take you on a brief but worthwhile journey.
‘Spin Cycle‘ is the musical equivalent of real life. The songs are filled with stories that anyone that has been involved with another person and has felt the grip of emotion holding on strong to their heart, will be able to relate to. But it’s not even that simple. Many times we are walking a fine line between emotion, self-examination and reality. Kandel lays these out in a very listenable fashion.
Kandel has a great sense of vocal harmonies that are reminiscent of one of my favorite bands, Handsome Ghost. Musically, the songs elevate your ear to another level of calmness but while remaining constant and present throughout the EP.
The album has the pop sensibilities to appeal to a wide audience but has the singer-songwriter soul (and great sounding snare drum) to inspire any songwriter.
When you load up this record you’ll start with my personal favorite, ‘How Could Anybody’ and be taken on a journey until the last and title track, ‘Spin Cycle’ will complete your listen with an emotional song that ties the EP up beautifully.
Do yourself a favor and don’t pass on this one. I mean, how could anybody?
-Tommy Marz
You can find Tommy on Twitter
For More On Theo Kandel, Visit: