This is the one where I rank the epic Thanksgiving themed episodes of Friends.
I was way late to the Friends party. I never saw an episode until three years ago when I got the boxed set for Christmas. Having the good fortune of being able to binge on the entire series was a gift in itself. I spent approximately the next three weeks of my life watching this iconic television show. As I was watching each season, I started noticing a cycle happening in the shows setting of New York and here in real life. Well, here in Michigan anyway with winter, spring, summer, fall. Then there was the cycle of holidays. Halloween, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, New Years Eve, etc., all made appearances over the years in themed versions of the episodes. The one holiday that became a standout and a highly anticipated time in the shows schedule was Thanksgiving.
So now that I’ve been through the series for the umpteenth time and have pretty much burned all of my bridges with my friends talking about the show and specific episodes over text.. I present you my ranking of the Thanksgiving episodes of Friends. Not that there’s a bad episode, I just prefer some over others!
10. The One With The List Season 2, Episode 8 – This is where Ross has a hard time choosing between Rachel and his current girlfriend, Julie. So, he gets help making a list from Joey and Chandler, on his ultra fast laptop. (could you even imagine waiting for that thing to finish dialing up to the internet in today’s world? Me neither.) How it relates to Thanksgiving: Monica gets a job making Thanksgiving treats with a new synthetic chocolate – Mockolate. Yum! Mockolate chip cookies for everyone!
9. The One With The Late Thanksgiving Season 10, Episode 8 – This is where Monica doesn’t want to host dinner but Phoebe convinces her to do it. Whelp, everyone is doing other things and are very late. Peeved, Monica and Chandler don’t let anyone in the door. All of their heads in the slightly cracked/chained door is pretty funny. How it relates to Thanksgiving: Just when all is lost on Thanksgiving, the call comes in that Chandler and Monica have been chosen to adopt a baby. Putting everything in perspective, the gang enjoys a nice Thanksgiving dinner.
8. The One With Rachel’s Other Sister Season 9, Episode 8 – Rachel’s other sister Amy shows up and Christina Applegate makes one of the best guest appearances. She also keeps the streak of Green siblings being AWFUL people. How it relates to Thanksgiving: Phoebe tries to teach Joey how to lie after forgetting to go to the Thanksgiving Day Parade with the rest of his Days Of Our Lives (DOOL) cast mates.
7. The One Where The Underdog Got Away Season 1, Episode 9 – Hey! The first of four times the TG show wasn’t episode 8. Joey has V.D. (insert laugh emoji). So his family thinks.. so he’s coming. Phoebe celebrates with her Grandma in December.. so she’s coming. Ross and Monica’s parents are gone away.. so they’ll be there. Rachel misses her (the only) flight to Vail to see her family.. so she’ll be there. Well, Chandler hates Thanksgiving but he has nowhere else to go.. so he’ll be there. How it relates to Thanksgiving: The ‘Underdog’ balloon gets free and is floating away. Everyone then rushes to the top of the building to see it. The door gets locked and the dinner gets burned. They wind up eating Chandler’s anti-TG meal of cheese sandwiches and everyone is thankful for that.
6. The One Where Chandler Doesn’t Like Dogs Season 7, Episode 8 – When Phoebe has been hiding a dog, Chandler says that he doesn’t like them and that he’s allergic. The only thing is the dog has been there for a couple of days. How it relates to Thanksgiving: Tag doesn’t have anywhere to go for Thanksgiving since he broke up with his girlfriend and Rachel invites him to dinner. Also, Ross won’t eat until he can name all 50 states (ever try that?).
5. The One With Chandler In A Box Season 4, Episode 8 – Joey punishes Chandler for kissing his girlfriend by having him spend a “time out” in a wooden box. We also learn that Rachel exchanges all of the gifts she is given for other stuff. She eventually shows Ross that she keeps the stuff that matters. How it relates to Thanksgiving: Monica invites Richard’s son (also and eye doctor) over to Thanksgiving dinner where she kisses him (gross) on the balcony.
4. The One Where Ross Got High Season 6, Episode 9 – Chandler finds out that Ross blamed him for the pot smell coming from his bedroom when they were in college (also blamed him for ruining some of his Dad’s records too). How it relates to Thanksgiving: Joey and Ross try to get out of Thanksgiving dinner because Joey’s hot roommate invited them to hang out with her and her just as model-like friends. My favorite part? Rachel makes dessert but the pages in the recipe book get stuck together and she winds up making half an English trifle and half a Shepherd’s Pie. As Joey would say, “Custard? Good. Jam? Good. Beef? Good.” I concur.
3. The One With All The Thanksgivings Season 5, Episode 8 – I love me a good flashback episode and this one does not disappoint. There’s only one thing.. I almost ranked it last because of the turkey on the head thing. It makes me sick and I have to fast forward when it comes on. Every time. But alas, I could not deny this episodes rightful place in the top three. I mean this is an ep of sharing their worst Thanksgiving experiences. Chandler’s parents, Monica’s not so sexy way of seducing Chandler when they were younger. How it relates to Thanksgiving: See title of episode.
2. The One With The Football Season 3, Episode 9 – I said on a recent PODCAST that going into making this list, I thought this episode would be number one. So I’m officially making this a 1 – 1A type of sitch. As Monica and Ross fight to win the Geller-cup, Joey and Chandler battle it out over an attractive woman who is watching them play football. How it relates to Thanksgiving: Monica sets the timer to baste the turkey as they play the game. Plus, it’s fall weather. The leaves are on the ground and they’re playing football in the park while the turkey is cooking upstairs. It’s pure Thanksgiving!
1. The One With The Rumor Season 8, Episode 9 – Two words. Brad Pitt. Dude absolutely stole the show. It was also the loudest roar I’ve ever heard from a studio audience, upon his entrance. The “I hate Rachel Green club” and Rachel’s reproductive parts storyline, was insanely funny. Plus, every “side-story” seems to crack me up. Chandler and Phoebe trying to get out of chores by watching a game, which either one knows anything about and Joey trying to eat a whole turkey. Because, you know, he’s Joey.
Ahhh good times.
So, as this years Thanksgiving holiday is upon us, maybe you’ll take a break from turkey and football long enough to watch an ep or two. I know I will be watching a few of them from the show that has now become an all-timer for me. As I stated earlier I’m glad I got to binge on the series but I sort of wish I watched in real time and talked to people about it on Friday’s like a normal human being (Sorry for all of the late night texts, guys. But don’t worry, Seinfeld is next).
Oh – and feel free to use this as a guide as to which what episode you should watch. Just in case you have trouble deciding. I’m there for you. (sorry)
-Tommy Marz
You can follow Tommy on Twitter and let him know which episodes are your favorites.
Rachel Green – Jennifer Aniston
Monica Geller – Courteney Cox
Phoebe Buffay – Lisa Kudrow
Joey Tribbiani – Matt LeBlanc
Chandler Bing – Matthew Perry
Ross Geller – David Schwimmer