This is one of those summers when we need a hero. A hero that takes us away from the stresses of everything happening in the world and the changing of our way of life for the foreseeable future (I’m looking at you, Mr. Covid).
Some people wish for a Superman or Wonder Woman type of figure to swoop in and save us. But since those things aren’t going to happen, I have an alternative.
Music has been a great escape for many people over countless moments in their lives. Over the years we’ve had summertime songs to get us through a hard day or enhance our weekend nights.
That escape is what allows us to lose ourselves for 3 minutes or so at a time and completely block out those negative vibes. It’s the summertime vibes I’m after here.
There’s been rumors that Harry Styles is going to release the opening track, Golden from his Billboard topping, number one, platinum selling opus – Fine Line. Trust me, I’ve been getting a ton of this traffic on not only my Twitter timeline but from all over the internet as well. There may be subtle hints here and there but there has been no official confirmation as of yet. It is a rumor, after all.
Now normally, dear readers, I do not engage in rumor or gossip. However, when the the potential outcome has a positive end game – I’m all in. You might be thinking, what positive end game?
It’s a fair question.
If we revisit this concept of a hero, I submit to you that the song Golden is just what we need right now. Does it encourage one to change the world? No. Does it invoke the spirits of the call to action artists of the past? No.
What it does accomplish is that thing that each and every one of us needs sometimes. A nice break from reality and a release of those precious endorphins. And right now – A nice pause from our daily commotion would be welcomed with open arms by so many.
Musically, the song rivals any of the best pop songs around. The groove is infectious right from the word “HEY!” The background vocals are not only singable, they are mandatory when driving with the windows down and this song blaring out of the speakers. Come on, you know. “De, de, de, do, da, de, de, de, do. (ok that was sort of difficult to put into words but if you know that song, you know the words).
Lyrically, I’ve seen several interpretations of what Styles was thinking when the song was written and I don’t pretend to be inside of his head. But I can tell you that I have formulated my own opinion of the songs’ meaning and it’s one of those that I song along to with great emotion and expectation.
Styles said in an interview with Zane Lowe, explaining the perfect time to listen to this song; “I used to drive from here to the studio and listen to it. “Golden” was like the perfect PCH (Pacific Coast Highway) song. It’s like driving down the coast, that is what the song is for. It feels so Malibu to me.”
That’s what I’m talking about.
Just when it seemed like all of this summer’s events/faults were going to consume me, I feel like I was given the gift of Golden. It’s an experience that I know that I am not alone in feeling.
This is why we need this song to become a massive hit. It needs serious airplay on mainstream radio. Terrestrial and Satellite. People need to hear this song and possibly (hopefully) connect with it in the way that I and so many die hard fans have done already. Even if you don’t feel that connection, a nice refreshing couple of minutes can do a mind some good. This song is at least that for any music fan, I would argue.
I’m telling you, a good song that lets you escape for even the briefest of moments is worthwhile and in some cases can even become a savior of sorts.
Golden was definitely the hero I needed during the course of this worldwide pandemic. Music… Music. It’s the undisputed hero.
-Tommy Marz
You can follow Tommy on Twitter and Instagram let him know what you think.
3 thoughts on “Why The World Needs ‘Golden’ By Harry Styles To Be A Monster Hit”
Spot on, Tommy!
WoW!!! Excellent description of this joyful sun filled song. I would also argue Harry Styles may well be the uncaped hero the disaster that is the year 2020 needs. If you know you know, if you don’t know you should definitely spend about 46 minutes to discover one of music’s brightest stars in Harry Styles.
I agree. I thought they would have released it by now!
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