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Interview: William DuVall – Alice in Chains

On October 4, 2019, William DuVall will release his first solo album – One Alone.  This eleven song album truly lives up to its name.  One man – one guitar that somehow winds up filling all kinds of space.  An official review will be published in the near future but in the meantime I was able to catch up with William via telephone while he was in New York City.

We talked about One Alone and some of the production aspects that came along with the record.  For starters I was amazed to learn that nearly the entire record was recorded in a night.  DuVall tells Sound Vapors, “Most of the record was recorded in a day, :laughs: and then I sat on those songs for a bit.  I went back in to do a few more.. and basically those “few more” were done in an evening.  So in terms of actual recording time it was done extremely quick.  Done in the way that people used to do.  Bob Dylan would go in and make a record in a couple of days.”  Duvall says, “It’s one voice, one guitar.. one alone.”  Sounds perfect.

William self produced One Alone, but it wasn’t anything new for this seasoned pro.  DuVall has been producing music for not only himself over the years but for other bands as well.  Go listen to any of the Comes With The Fall albums and you’ll hear the mark of a true professional.  And some KILLER music.  We talked about those CWTF records and DuVall speaks enthusiastically about those albums and experiences.  

I ask William to give us his favorite Alice in Chains song with him on vocals and he thinks for a moment before he says, “Last Of My Kind, maybe?”  I think that’s a great choice, although So Far Under is my personal favorite in this category.  But you cannot go wrong with either one.  When asked about his favorite with Layne Staley on vocals I was pleasantly surprised to hear him say, “ohhh so many good ones there.  I might say.. gosh that’s tough..” and finally, “Nutshell and Love Hate Love.”  I love his choices because Nutshell is so brilliant and the way their Unplugged session started, will always stand out as something special.  Then, Love Hate Love has been one of my all timers since Facelift was released and often gets overlooked as one of the great AIC songs.  Great choices all around.

We get into some of William’s influences on the podcast and he tells us who he thinks has the most swag – all time.  I could not agree more with his choice.  You can hear my entire conversation with William on the Sound Vapors Podcast.  Click on the link to your favorite place to listen to pods below!


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-Tommy Marz

You can follow Tommy on Twitter and let him know what you think.

For More On William DuVall, Visit: